Tag Archive: RAGE!!!!!!!!!!

Raid Mindset

So, on Sat night, we went in. After a ton of wipes in phase 1, and one in phase 2 (that was in between the phase 1 wipes) We killed Rhyloith. And to paraphrase our Raid Leader: “Why the f*** can’t you do this all the time?! I just saw you take Rhyloith down so smoothly Casually Addicted”, the top guild on our server,”would be jealous! And yet we’ve wiped to stupid s*** on other attempts. F*** switch are you all throwing to do stuff like this?” He’s constantly saying stuff like that. And, well, he has a point. We can go into Firelands, and for some reason on all the good attempts, everything goes smoothly. We’re communicating, we’re not standing in anything, we’re stacking or not stacking and getting everything down correctly and the dps range from 16-24k. I saw that on Shannox and Lord Rhy-Rhy, and, well, I agree with our raidleader.

We’re not in a raid mindset on the wipes. And when we are, we are quite capable of beating down anything we d*mn well want to with only a few attempts. I’m not sure why sometimes, the switch flips and we suddenly become, again steal words from Jjesse’s mouth, Paragon, or any top guild.  I wish I knew how to make sure that in Firelands, it was always switched. It’s quite frustrating to wipe to Beth’tilac time after time– after we’ve seen her at 2% and if she just hadn’t eaten one spiderling, she’d be dead. We had to call it. WTF!?

So, I look at my healing. I look at who I’m healing, my overhealing, my HoT uptime, my activity, who died when. I’m proud to say that the part of the raid I heal is highly unlikely to die first. It happened once twice tonight, on a dozen or so wipes. One time, the spiderling killer was out of range, and one time I just didn’t get to the person fast enough, and I’m beating myself up about that. If they’d been alive, would we have had the kill? I try to make sure that I AM in raid mentality. That I AM doing everything I possibly can. That I’m bringing potions, cookies, flasks. Even though the guild provides feasts and cauldrons, we can run out of feasts. We all need to farm more. I try to use my warlock cookies, and I try to use tranquility every time I can use it and still have it when I need it. I’m certain there’s something I could do better. Maybe some reforging, I know that I’m not quite at a haste breakpoint and so I should either reforge to get to it or reforge to other stats until I can reach it. I give my innervate to other people. I still get 10% mana, and I have the luxury to potion of concentration, they don’t.

I know my raid group can kill the bosses when they’re in raid mentality. It really annoys me that sometimes, we’re not.

I know I did everything I could think of at the time, and it wasn’t enough to kill the boss. I know it’s not all on me. But f*** it, I feel like it is.

….After all, don’t you know it’s always the healer’s fault?

Firelands Dailies

…My druid can’t do them. She’s currently stuck in a lag vortex right after, oh, the first quest that gives marks of the world tree. I can’t even get her out of it, due to the fact that WoW runs at about 1 frame per 10 minutes on her in those areas. Oh, and the Thrall quests, which my shaman can do easily and with no lag to speak of, my druid also goes back down to 1 frame per 10 seconds. I have no idea what is causing this.

…Er, the two quests I did were fun, though!

And the Thrall questline has a nice cape for my shammy that she loves. Considering she was using a 333 cape.

*goes to try getting druid out of the area once again*


ZOMG! Wait, phooey, does this mean Beta’s out? No, BRK is still posting Alpha doings while not breaking NDA.

According to Blizz, the talent trees are 90/90/85% finished. SO THEY CAN CHANGE.

Link to talent build: http://cata.wowhead.com/talent#0

I’m going to start with analyzing the Tree Talents. Kitty Bear talents in a few days. (Edit: Ah-heh-heh-heh, I’m going away on a familial vacation for  approx 10-13 days… soooo…. Ah-heh. Wait a bit longer.)

These are obviously subject to change. Especially the ©ø∂∂嵘´∂ tree talent.

Tier 1 Resto talents:
Blessing of the Grove 0/2: Increases the healing done by your Rejuvenation by 2/4%, the direct damage of your Moonfire by 3/6%, and the damage done by your Claw and Shred by 2/4%.

A direct bonus to our Rejuv, this will be something every Resto Druid will pick up, as Furor remains useless to us.

Nature’s Focus 0/3: Reduces the pushback suffered from damaging attack while casting Healing Touch, Wrath, Entangling Roots, Cyclone, Nourish, Tranquility and Regrowth by 23/46/75%.

Still the same, but now we’ll have to take it to get to tier 2.

Improved Mark of the Wild has been removed.

Furor 0/5: Still useless, not changed. MOVING ONWARDS *fume*

Tier 2 Resto Talents:

Perseverance 0/5: Reduces all spell damage taken by 2/4/6/8/10%

PVP! Now if I actually did PvP, this could be interesting. This has taken the place of Naturalist, which has been moved down a tier (QQ feral druids) to where Intensity now stands. Intensity has been removed.

Subtlety 0/3: Reduces threat caused by Resto spells by 10/20/30%

Now no longer of interest to Balance druids, this just give Restos a straight 10/20/30% reduction in threat. I couldn’t care less, except it looks like we might have to pick this up. Until I see threat issues in Cata, I’ll reserve judgement.

Natural Shapeshifter 0/3: Reduces the mana cost of all shapeshifting by 10/20/30%

This spell, and the one it leads into, Master Shapeshifter are still the same.

Tier 3 Resto Talents:

Naturalist 0/5: Reduces the cast time of your Nourish and Healing Touch spells by .1/.2/.3/.4/.5 sec and increases the damage you do in all forms by 2/4/6/8/10%

By throwing Nourish into the pot, this spell becomes a lot more attractive for druid tank healers. A fast, boosted-by-HoTs spell? I would expect some changes to the Nourish spell or a nerf to talent or spell when Beta pops and Blizzard receives feedback.

Omen of Clarity 0/1: It remains the same, a bulwark against the changes around us.


Master Shapeshifter 0/2: Grants an effect which lasts while the druid is in the respective shapeshift form. Tree of Life: Increases healing by 2/4%.

…Okay, say it with me, WTF!? We’re not going to be in tree form nearly as much, and they said they would redistribute the effects of it into talents. Why hasn’t that gone away? We become super-healer with… special sprinkles on top? Phoooooo, Blizzard. Stick that into some self-buff!

Tier 4 Resto Talents:

Improved Rejuvenation 0/3: Increases the effect of your Rejuvenation and Swiftmend spells by 5/10/15%.

Straight up buff, yahoo. This is part of Blizzard’s ‘okay stick all the tree form stuff into here and c’mon we can cram it in!’ Ah =P ffffft. However, this does do very nice things to Swiftmend, and makes me a happy druid. (But not a tree, cause we won’t be trees anymore, remember?)

Tranquil Spirit 0/5: Still the same, but I would warrant it’ll become much more important because we’ll have to manage our mana more. ATM, my druid does not use it and she has no problems healing through Marrowgar and Deathwhisper without an Innv half of the time.

Tier 5 Resto Talents:

Nature’s Swiftness 0/1: Same old spell. Wonderful when macro’d to Healing Touch!

Improved Tranquility 0/2: Reduces the threat caused by Tranquility by 50/100% and reduces the damage you take while channeling Tranquility by 25/50%

…Tranquility with no threat and you take less damage while casting it? Huh, cool. But the cool down is no longer being reduced 30/60%, making it less useful, but still good for the correct situations.

Tier 6 Resto Talents:

Living Seed 0/3: This is the same as the old talent, but it now leads into an über-cool talent below it.

über-cool talent is über-cool.

Nature’s Bounty 0/5: For rank 1 (and I assume the other later) Increases the critical-effect chance of your Regrowth spell on targets at or below 25% health, and you have a 20% chance when you critically heal with Healing Touch or Nourish to reduce the remaining cool down on your swiftmend spell by .5 sec.

AHH SQUEE but WAIT. This is no longer a flat increase to critical effect chance, but is instead highly situational. But, to counteract that, we get the cookie of being able to reduce the cool down on Swiftmend with critical heals. Ironically, we get this talent before Swiftmend. This is a sneaky nerf—buff to compensate.

Fury of Stormrage 0/3: You have a 5/10/15% chance when you cast Healing Touch or Nourish to be instant cast and cost no mana. Fury of Stormrage lasts 8 sec.

PVP, can you say it with me, PVP! Or this might have something to do with ‘Druids need to be able to DPS while healing even though we want you to have to manage your mana LOLZ’

Tier 7 Resto Talents:

Swiftmend 0/1: Consumes a Rejuvenation of Regrowth effect on a friendly to instantly heal the target for 5306.

I would call HUGE AS NEVER BEFORE SEEN NERF if I didn’t realize that this is most likely a simple placeholder. Or a mistake.

Empowered Touch 0/2: Your Healing Touch heals for 5% more on target at or below 25% health, and your Nourish has a 50% chance to refresh the duration of Lifebloom on your targets.

In Rank 2, it goes back to Live Version. I’m sad to lose the healing bonus on Nourish, but I love the refreshing Lifebloom because I love to stack tanks with it. Also, Blizzard seems to be pushing Healing Touch as a viable heal without glyphing it into uselessness. …I guess… yay… although this means finally a guildie will be right and I’ll be using Healing Touch without Nature’s Swiftness.

Tier 8 Resto Talents:

Efflorescence 0/3: When you critically heal with your Regrowth spell you also sprout a bed of healing flora under the target, healing all friendly targets within 15 yards who stand on them for 10/20/30% of the amount healed by your Regrowth every 1 sec for 7 sec.

Ah Woooooo-hoooo can you say über-cool Lightwell with me? sprout it under a tank and you’ve got melee being healed. Stack your ranged and you’ve got ranged being healed. Of course, people won’t move on to the darned thing because ‘moving impairs dps lololol l2play!’ Has it occurred to you that DYING will DRASTICALLY impede your dps? FAR more than moving, because there won’t BE any dps!

Empowered Rejuvenation 0/5: The bonus effects of your healing-over-time and Swiftmend spells is increased by 4/8/12/16/20%

Straight up buff! Adds on some yummy Swiftmend goodness to this talent.

Natural perfection 0/3: Critical strikes against you give you the natural perfection effect, reducing all damage taken by 2/3/4%. Stacks up to 3 times. Lasts 8 sec.

…Mooo, I preferred old one. Moar spell critical chance! Uhhh…. since all this Cata talent stuff make me think we’ll need it..

Tier 9 Resto Talents: (Pertaining to the much QQed over spell, Tree of Life)

Revitalize 0/3: When your Regrowth or Lifebloom spell heal-over-time periodic damage(?) critically hits, you instantly regenerate 1/2/3% of your total mana. Cannot occur more than once every 6 sec.

Meh. Yes, Meh. One the one hand, Wooooo, we get a mana regen. But… Um… Well, if it worked over the raid people would luf us because it used to regen mana, rage, runic power AND energy. I guess it would’ve been OP, but this new version suits me just fine, especially with the news of ‘You will NEED to conserve your mana and not be whack-a-mole healer’.

Tree of Life. Tree of WE WANT OUR FORM BACK QQQQQQQQ(and yes I qq’d with ya) Life. 0/1: Shapeshift into the Tree of Life, increasing healing done by 15% and armor by 240%, but reducing your movement speed by 50%. In addition, some of your spells are temporarily enhanced while in Tree Form. Lasts 45 sec, 5min CD.

Uhhh….Uh……. Why movement speed? This really needs a post for itself.

Improved Tree of Life 0/3: Reduces the cooldown of ToL by 30/60/90sec and increases your damage done by 15% while in ToL .

WTFBBQ?!?!?!?!! Damage in ToL form lololol? Yay reduced CD, but…… Wuh buh duh Blizzard, I thought we weren’t allowed to dps in ToL and that’s why you nerfed it? Argle mixed messages!!! I don’t understand what Blizz wants to do here.

Tier 10 Resto Talents:

Improved Barkskin 0/2: Grants 80/160% additional armor contribution from cloth and leather armor while in travel form or while not shapeshifted. In addition, the damage reduction granted by your Barkskin is increased by 5/10%.

Exactly the same as the old Barkskin, except we are losing the 5/10% reduction to likelihood of it being dispelled. Poor PVPers, but I don’t think this is going to impact raiding druids, unless we start to see more fights like the Champions in Tot(G)C 10/25.

Gift of the Earthmother 0/5: Increases the healing done by your Tranquility to targets at or below 25% health by 4%, increases the healing done by the bloom effect of your Lifebloom by 2%, and your Rejuvenation also instantly heals 3% of the total periodic effect.

The other ranks are not available yet, so I can’t say anything about them. This is no longer a flat increase to spell haste (it’s not an increase to spell haste at ALL), or a reduction on LIfebloom GCD, but an interesting talent to change how our HoTs work. I would drool over the Rejuvenation effect, but how often will we need that? On a target that’s low on health, I would Regrowth/Rejuv/Nourish if needed, not Rejuv/Oops they died. Or Rejuv/Regrowth Swiftmend, and I guess that’s where this talent would come into play for me. On the Lifebloom effect, I can only say YAY more heals if it bloom when we need it. I stack my Lifeblooms, and only let them bloom when I have to, so this is a good change for me. Although now I’ll need yet MOAR HASTE. Yes I’m slightly obsessed. I declare this a buff!

The Final Tier! Tier 11 Resto Talent:

Wild Growth: Heals up to 5 friendly party or raid members within 15 yards of the target for 2905 over 7 sec. The amount healed is applied swiftly at first, then slows down as the Wild Growth reaches its full duration. 66% Base Mana. (Up from 23%)

…..ARfbrgle? We’re going to see gigantic pools of mana in Cataclysm, I know that, but 66% base mana is a lot. ..Ah phoo, I logged in resto spec. Well, let’s say as a feral with no +intellect, I have a mana pool of 6000, a nice round number. Multiply that by .66 (or {(2/3)*6000}. That’s roughly equivalent to 4000 mana. Rather a lot, isn’t it, especially when our base mana pool is going to be growing in Catacylsm? Maybe our pools of mana will be enough to handle it. We’ll have vast tracts of mana! (But Da, I don’t care about any of that. I just want to… sing!/No no no, stop that, no singing.)

Final wrap-up?

We’ve got buffs, we’ve got nerfs, and none of it balances out the fact we’ve lost Tree form.

Angry Tree!

A more rational response.

My place in this argument is still firmly on the side of no ToL cool down. I posted over on the long, long, thread about it, and I actually got quoted a bit. Here are some of my comments and responses, with a list of why I just hate the idea below.

Q u o t e:
I really think all druid forms should be cooldowns, using the same argument being applied to ToL.

That would be even worse than just ToL form. We have abilities we can only use in bear/cat form. I already hate the fact that ToL is becoming another stupid gimmick, don’t change the rest of them. <-me

People here are summing it up really well. Tree of Life is our FORM. We do not need to DPS, we need to heal! Tree of Life makes it so we can’t dps, yes. If you want to dps than go feral or moonkin, don’t go hating on the fact you can’t dps in a HEALING form. <- me

Q u o t e:
Tree of Life is being changed because resto needs to sacrifice balance spells and utility to heal as well as everyone else.

Moonkin Form is fine because balance druids sacrifice healing to be closer to pure classes. Every other hybrid sacrifice healing, either by being in a restrictive form (see Shadowform) or not having enough mana to support it (ret paladins/enh shaman).

Being able to see you gear is side effect of the change, not a cause.

See above.
We have no reason to be dpsing in raids.
Do not screw over the raiders. <-me

Okay, I’m going to sum up some of what the annoyed resto druids are saying .
-This is a PvP nerf
-The reason ToL is being removed is to look at our armor and everything else could be changed while keeping ToL.
-The people who are saying they are glad it’s gone are mainly non-druids, or feral/balance druids.
-We are druids we shapeshift . Our forms is what sets us apart, and it’s an iconic part of the class.
-You’re taking away ToL so we get to look at our armor, but you’re not doing anything about moonkins or bear/cat, where you ALSO don’t see armor. WTH?
– Another on the armor side- It’s ugly, we don’t really want to look at it.
-We rolled to experience all the forms, and if we wanted to see armor we would roll priests/shamans/paladins.
-There’s the basic emotional response of “You’re taking something AWAY from us, and not GIVING us anything! And you think we will forget? That we will FORGIVE?” <-me

(I might have altered a quote from that guy at the Wrath Gate)

Q u o t e:
-We rolled to experience all the forms, and if we wanted to see armor we would roll priests/shamans/paladins. <me

Be careful. With this reasoning, you’ll attract all the druids that say they’ve been healing since Vanilla and don’t need any stupid form. When they can’t seem to realize that they are now the minority, and the majority of resto druids around now have only ever healed with ToL.  <-Lakeshumi

Q u o t e:

Be careful. With this reasoning, you’ll attract all the druids that say they’ve been healing since Vanilla and don’t need any stupid form. When they can’t seem to realize that they are now the minority, and the majority of resto druids around now have only ever healed with ToL.

Edit: Quote fail. <-Lakeshumi

My husband and I have been chatting about the druid changes (hes resto mainly and I am mainly feral). We are both coming to the fairly scary posibility that blizz wants to give us presences instead actualy form changes. So presence of cat/bear/moonkin, and the actual forms will be changed to that of what they want to do with the ToL. An on use ‘trinket’ to boost a specific area in the spec. In essence, killing the druid class entirely. If what they are aiming for is every class just like other classes. This would be the logical course in that case. <-Kyniska

Q u o t e:

My husband and I have been chatting about the druid changes (hes resto mainly and I am mainly feral). We are both coming to the fairly scary posibility that blizz wants to give us presences instead actualy form changes. So presence of cat/bear/moonkin, and the actual forms will be changed to that of what they want to do with the ToL. An on use ‘trinket’ to boost a specific area in the spec. In essence, killing the druid class entirely. If what they are aiming for is every class just like other classes. This would be the logical course in that case. <Kyniska

Oh no. No no no no no. That would definitely kill the whole idea of a shapeshifting druid. We were made to shift, and you’re right, this looks like it is leaning in that direction. <-me

Q u o t e:

I know it would 😦

To equalise what they are doing to the trees, perhaps they should take the hunters pets away and make them into an on use ‘trinket’ to buff their dps, equalising the hunters actual dps so that they wouldnt actually be ‘losing anything’. A ‘Call of the Beast’ on use ability with a CD. That would only be fair. <-Kyn again

Rofl. That does seem like what they are doing to us, doesn’t it? It really sucks, and I can only hope Blizzard will change their minds. I rolled a druid because I wanted to shift, not to have my forms a gimmick like a trinket.<-me

(I’m adding to this as I write in the list.)

Q u o t e:

I’m thinking the same thing. It doesn’t make sense to remove tree form for the reasons given without also removing moonkin. I could easily see bear and cat going as well, in favor of some kind of “spirit channeling” type of thing. <-Mishotem

If all of our forms went, 99% of druids would drop WoW right then and there.

Edit: Alienea (sp?) I’m stealing your signature.< Lorellell

Q u o t e:

If all of our forms went, 99% of druids would drop WoW right then and there.

Edit: Alienea (sp?) I’m stealing your signature.<Lorellell

Go ahead, steal it. I know I would stop if they changed all our forms. I’d just have to put 36 levels on my shaman and I’d have a new main. Well, 41 with cata. I’m beginning to wonder if blizz is even reading this thread anymore, though. <-me

Q u o t e:
So Tol is gone so ppl can go
“OO Lokz at mah shizy phat lotz!” in the middle of a raid as ppl drop like flies sinces their staring at their armor instead of healing ppl?

So Tol is gone so ppl can go
Ohh look i can dps now when i heal! …. Umm Weren’t the change to stats in cata made to force healers to work more and as more a HEALING team? (More damage, less regain,ect) If thats so where as going to be getting mana or time to work in a dps rotation in the middle of healing?

So Tol is gone so ppl can go
Wow, i’m so happy Tol is gone and i can heal in caster form without have to use that ugly tree form! (There are now almost 180 pages of people complaining about lossing that “ugly” form!)

So Tol is gone so ppl can go
Hurray we’re not tied to a form that does nothing but give us a passive boost with no real abilities!
(yet Boomkin and Shadowform remain neither of which grant any special abilities.)

So Tol is gone cuz GC said

Q u o t e:
) Hey, maybe staying in a single form all the time isn’t really that good for the class

So yeah why are moonkin,bear and cat not being change into caster form as well and just given crazy “I AM BEAR! RAWR! for 15sec on a c/d ? Hmm?

So Tol is gone cuz GC said

Q u o t e:
said this before, but we don’t think giving up everything (hyperbole, but you get the idea) to go into a dps form is that big a sacrifice, because you’re being compared to and presumably want to fill the role of classes and specs that do nothing but dps.

But the same doesn’t hold true for healing? As a resto druid i want to be compared to and fill the role of a class and spec that does nothing but healing (priest) and umm when is the last time u saw ur holy priest layeth the smite down? hmm?

If lossing ToL is a must and looks like it is can i atleast get the real reason why it being changed? <-unknown


And now, for something completely  different. A List.

-This is a PvP nerf

No, seriously. We can’t be polymorphed, we have armor, and we heal. It was very hard to get us out of the picture because of HoTs and such. But guess what? Other classes are also hard to get out of the picture. (Except for squishy mages/priests. Lol squishy. And they could be hard also, if they were good.) Blizzard is just trying to disguise this as a PvE nerf. Well, they want it to be a buff, but guess what? It’s a nerf, taking away our static form it make it into a trinket-like CD.
-The reason ToL is being removed is to look at our armor and everything else could be changed while keeping ToL.

This seems oh-so-likely. They could hit ToL with the nerf bat instead of taking it away. We don’t need to DPS in raids, guys. We’re there to HEAL. The only time I dpsed in a raid was Onyxia, with all the whelps. I used Hurricane. And then I never did it again, because they all came to kill me.
-The people who are saying they are glad it’s gone are mainly non-druids, or feral/balance druids.

Also true. Look around the forum thread and you’ll see that the resto druids that are happy it’s gone are a minority. Now why would Blizz please the feral/balance druids about something that’s not their spec unless they had an underlying motive? Kyniska seems eerily close to a truth.
-We are druids we shapeshift . Our forms is what sets us apart, and it’s an iconic part of the class.

Yes! YES! I rolled to shapeshift! I rolled to be able to turn into a cat and a bear and a tree and a moonkin! Of course, I stuck with bear through BC, and then picked up tree in WoLK and loved it. Blizz is taking away a very important part of the restoration spec.
-You’re taking away ToL so we get to look at our armor, but you’re not doing anything about moonkins or bear/cat, where you ALSO don’t see armor. WTH?

Think about it, Blizz. Think. You’re targeting restoration druids here, not the other specs. Why are you hitting resto like that? We really loved where we were in the majority of us.
– Another on the armor side- It’s ugly, we don’t really want to look at it.

NO for srs, Blizz! Our armor is REALLY UGLY. DON’T MAKE US LOOK AT IT. And the stuff from TotC is just differently colored rogue gear.
-We rolled to experience all the forms, and if we wanted to see armor we would roll priests/shamans/paladins.

Yeah. Yeah. We rolled to shapeshift.  Not to go “ooo looky I can change into a tree for X seconds and then go back to ugly armor me!”
-There’s the basic emotional response of “You’re taking something AWAY from us, and not GIVING us anything! And you think we will forget? That we will FORGIVE?”

Honestly. We get no new toys to play with at all. And then Blizzard takes away ToL. I know we’re “in a good place right now.” If we were in a good place, then WHY, oh WHY, did you take ToL form away, Blizz?

Edit: The thread started April 08. It’s now April 11th. CONTROVERSY!

Blizzard? I don’t like you either.

Q u o t e:

  • Tree of Life is changing from a passive talent to a cooldown-based talent, similar to Metamorphosis. Mechanically, it feels unfair for a druid to have to give up so much offense and utility in order to be just as good at healing as the other classes who are not asked to make that trade. We are exploring the exact benefit the druid gets from Tree of Life. It could strictly be better healing, or it could be that each heal behaves slightly different. You also will not be able to be banished in Tree of Life form (this will probably be true of Metamorphosis as well). Additionally, we would like to update the Tree of Life model so that it feels more exciting when you do decide to go into that form. Our feeling is that druids rarely actually get to show off their armor, so it would be nice to have at least one spec that looked like a night elf or tauren (and soon troll or worgen) for most of the time.

  • No. Just NO. Please say you’re kidding, please say that this as all some cruel joke. I love my tree of life form! People can look at it and say that I’m a healer! Don’t make it a stupid gimmick. We don’t need to be able to use damage spells. We’re healing. We need our mana to HEAL. And-and other druid forms can’t see their armor, and you’re targeting my tree form? People complain about the big bear butts more! if you take away our, well, not-so-pretty form, we’re a regular person who can’t heal as well and have had our iconic symbol taken away. We will become broken inside! We have our niche, and after Ghostcrawler saying that you’re happy where we are, why are you taking away our non-broken, fun, iconic ability? Why?


    Just change the model if you want it to look cooler. But at least give me a choice. I think this is stupid, and when I’m not so angry about this I’ll compose a list of whys. In the meantime, Bellwether or 4haelz has done a very good job of listing why we should NOT have it on a cooldown.